LIFE!! (L – live I– it F-full E– every day J)
I love “travelling”. Guess why?? Coz that’s the time when you learn the most important lessons in life. More than enjoying the places I find interest in knowing other peoples lifestyles and their way of living. Ever since I joined college I’ve done a bit of travelling.. For, at least twice in a month I travel back and forth from college to my home. And I always prefer to travel by train rather than bus.
My parents never take the risk of allowing me to travel alone .. so I will always be accompanied by my friends. My friends ask me why don’t you go by bus for a change, but then I always say that in bus you get to know only the person who sits beside you but in train you get to know so many people!! And they say “what use is it?? Why do you have to talk with so many strangers??” But I always find something new in every
train journey. Sometimes I would be interested in the old lady who goes around with a walking stick and a small baggage who always pray for us when we give her money… or sometimes it would be an aunty bragging about her life, her family…. Or sometimes I get to meet the “fashionable youth”… or sometimes I meet my long lost friends…. or sometimes I even get to meet my relatives by chance!! A cup of chai, a plate of vada, a window seat and some really friendly fellow passengers always makes my day ! J J
But yesterday my “love” for the train took a back turn ! For yesterday, the train was literally ‘full’ with students going home for their onam holidays and families visiting their native places.. In spite of this we managed to find a seat.. There were some pilgrims travelling from north and they were not exactly what you call as cutie pies! The moment we sat they began bragging about ‘reservation’… We were allowed to sit only after my friend assured them that we will get down within 2

hours.. I looked around the compartment , these people had made it much like a private laundry, wet clothes hanging on the window, used clothes lying here and there…oh god!! All this gave the whole compartment a disgusting smell L . Minutes after we had settled they wanted all the ladies to leave the area so that they can change their dresses.. they were not even allowing the lady passengers to stand anywhere near. I felt my anger rising… finally all the ladies started moving out… only I was left now.. As it is the train was crowded and it was not as if we were craving to sit with them.. I started telling my friend “see ,there is no need for me to move out, it is not as if they have reserved the ‘train’ they have only reserved ‘seats’!” But my friend simply asked me to keep my mouth shut.. and he started talking to them, and after some time they agreed.. I did not have to move out.
But their behaviour was enough for me.. I felt my happiness level dropping! I was still angry at them for their selfish behaviour.. Just because they have to change clothes they cant ‘order’ others out! My friend could feel it too cos throughout the journey I kept on and on about how untidy they had made the place, the train is a public vehicle they had no right to do so… Finally my friend told ‘why bother?? Learn to talk to others patiently, do not get angry at the first place itself, its going to affect you!’ That time I did not agree with him, but later after getting off the train I realised maybe he was right.. if I didn’t get so angry at the beginning itself , then maybe I would not have had such a mood swing!! He had told me “ you have a lot to learn in life” ! and now I agree to it ( though I definitely am not agreeing that he knows everything about life :P)!!
Life is the biggest lesson to be learned!! And do you know what the best thing about this subject is?? ….its that ‘u get to write your own syllabus and it’s not some stupid fool who decides it!’ its true you do fail in this subject also, but as always “its okay buddy…juz another supply..give it a better shot next time!” but you have to make sure you give it ur really BEST EVER SHOT.. so that you don’t become a dropout.. cos whatever happens u must pass this subject .. (not much choice left there) .And luv learning it just like any other subject.. cos the moment u get tired learning ‘life’ you get bored of it too!! So live it full every day, every minute and every second… nd don’t forget to keep SMILING coz that’s the success mantra!!
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