The Princess and her Superhero!!
Hi guyz..On this wonderful day I wish u all a happy nd prosperous eid mubaarak.. Amidst the festivities, I’d like to share an incident with u ol here.. Today ‘m gonna write on one of the most precious and sacred relationship, the purest one, the bond between a father and daughter. It is often said that a girl child requires her mother the most, but I think the bond which she shares with her father is the unbreakable one.

Right from birth, fathers become their hero, their superman….To this day, I believe my father can save me from all my problems, whatever it may be, I just have to call my father.. and I must say it is with this relief that I do all the mischiefs.. 😛 (like for instance the other day I boarded a train without tickets just because I knew my dads cell number :P) For girls, right from their childhood, their father’s shoulders become the safest place on earth, and the softest place for the best sleep ever JMine is a family of four.. me, my mom, my dad, nd my sis… And, both me as well as my sis find it very hard, almost impossible to cheat on our dad… 😛 Coz, we know, one single lie from our part is gonna break his heart.
Now for the reason ‘m writing this.. Yesterday when I was out with my dad, he made me wait in the car when he went out to do some shopping. He had parked the car in front an ATM. I sat there observing the people, goin in and out of the ATM…some very busy, some relaxed and so on… Soon a father and his lil daughter came by.. The girl was around 3 or 4 years. Now this man was in a real hurry and was half running towards the ATM. As he was waiting for his turn to use the ATM, this girl started saying she wanted to pee. Poor thing, the father left the queue and took her somewhere and satisfied her need. They came back, and again stood at the end of the line, waiting for their turn. Atlast when their turn came this kid started removing her shoes before getting in.. No matter how much her father pursued her, there was no way on earth that she’d get in without removing her shoes!! I thought, now she was really testing his patience and that he was going to get angry on her, but no, this man waited patiently for his lil princess…
See, that’s what I’m talking about.. The relationship between a father and daughter is equivalent to one between a superhero and a princess… Cute and strong J but never the less unbreakable.. Luv u vappi (father)!! … No matter what, u’ll always be my superhero… and on this day of eid, I’d like to ask ol my readers to love their parents. Be truthful to them.. A lil of ur luv is all that they need to make their day a great one J J
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